Grade 4 Math: Comparing Numbers: Four Digits

Make Numbers from Digits: 3 Digits

In this lesson, students learn to apply what they’ve learned about place value to create numbers from 3 digits to meet either of two criteria. The first is to create the largest number that can be written using the digits. The second is to create the smallest number that can be written using the digits.

Counting More or Less

In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of place value to determine the value of a number that is more or less than a given number by a specified value. When given a four-digit number, students must determine the number that is 1 or 2 more or less than the given number, 10 or 20 more or less than the given number, or 100 or 200 more or less than a given number.

Special attention is given to situations in which the addition and subtraction of the specified values that cause a change in the place value to the left of the largest place value in the specified number. In these situations, the addition or subtraction of the specified number requires regrouping - either making a ten in the place value to the left, or breaking a ten in the place value to the left.

Comparing Numbers

In this lesson, students learn to compare the size of four-digit numbers and indicate the relationship using the symbols for greater than and less than.

Students are taught to make the comparative judgement based on an understanding of the value of the digits in each place in the number rather than an arbitrary rule.

Ordering Numbers

In this lesson, students extend what they learned in the prior lesson to order a set of four, four-digit numbers from smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

Special attention is given to cases in which the four numbers ordered have the same four digits, but the digits are in different places, so they represent different numbers.

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