Algebra A Math: Applications: Linear Equations and Inequalities

This topic introduces how linear equations and linear inequalities can be used in real-world applications. This series of three lessons introduces the student to modeling applications in linear equations and linear inequalities. They also learn how to solve various application problems involving linear equations and linear inequalities.

The student will learn the use of linear equations and linear inequalities in real-world context.

Applications: Linear Equations – All Steps

This lesson introduces the student to real-world applications which can be modeled through linear equations. The lesson presents a walkthrough for finding how to write the linear equation. Then, the lesson shows the student how to solve for the unknown in the linear equation.

Applications: Linear Equations – Answer Only

This lesson presents a quicker overview of applications which can be modeled by linear equations.

Applications: Linear Inequalities

In this lesson, the student learns how to model real-world applications with linear inequalities. The student learns how the language of the application can give them the sign of the inequality. They also learn how to set up the rest of the inequality and solve for the unknown.

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