The mastery-based program that delivers only the content a student needs and fills gaps at all levels for all students, from at-risk to advanced.

How to Access iPASS?

Log in at www.ilearn.com/login and click the iPASS button.
iLearn Hub for Students

How iPASS is Structured

iPASS is a mastery-based program designed to remediate student gaps at all levels. Students advance through the program sequentially by either exemption or mastery. At every level of iPASS, students can exempt content they already know by passing challenge tests.

iPASS is structured in sequence from Grade 1 up to Algebra III content (Pre-Calculus). Each grade level contains Units, each Unit contains Chapters, and each Chapter contains Lessons.

A grade level in iPASS typically contains two Units. Each Unit has a Unit Challenge Test and a Unit Mastery Test. A Unit has about nine Chapters. Each Chapter has a Chapter Challenge Test, Chapter Practice, and Chapter Mastery Test. A Chapter has about five Lessons. Each Lesson has a Lesson Challenge Quiz, a Lesson Instruction, and a Lesson Practice. Some Lessons also include a Lesson Mixed Practice that covers prior Lessons within the Chapter.

At the beginning of each Unit is a Unit Challenge Test. Scoring 90%+ correct on a Unit Challenge Test exempts all content in that Unit and skips the student to the Unit Challenge Test for the following Unit. Scoring less than 90% correct on a Unit Challenge Test moves the student into the first Chapter’s Challenge Test. Passing the Chapter Challenge Test by missing no more than one (1) question, the student skips to the next Chapter’s Challenge Test. Missing more than one question on the Chapter Challenge Test moves the student to the first Lesson’s Challenge Quiz. Passing the Lesson Challenge quiz by missing no more than two (2) questions the student skips to the next Lesson’s Challenge Quiz. Missing more than two questions the student begins the lesson starting with Lesson Instruction.

Lesson Instruction is typically three to four pages of brief, multimedia presentations in a “show and tell” format. After viewing Lesson Instruction the student moves into Lesson Instruction Practice. If the student answers more than two (2) questions incorrectly in the Lesson Instruction Practice, they re-watch the Lesson Instruction and attempt the Lesson Instruction Practice again. When the student passes the Lesson Instruction Practice, they move forward to Lesson Practice.

In Lesson Practice students must answer a total number of questions correctly in sequence. The requirement varies by lesson. If a Lesson Practice has six questions, the student must answer at least six questions correctly. If the student correctly answers the first five questions but misses the sixth question, one correct question is deducted and the student has a total of four questions correct and will need to answer at least two more questions correctly to complete Lesson Practice.

Some Lessons include a Lesson Mixed Practice, which mixes questions from previous Lessons in the same chapter. Not all Lessons include a Lesson Mixed Practice. Once the student completes Lesson Practice and Lesson Mixed Practice they move to the next Lesson Challenge Quiz. When the student completes the Chapter’s final Lesson Practice or Lesson Mixed Practice, they advance to the Chapter Practice, which mixes questions from Lessons in the Chapter. Chapter Practice is completed the same as Lesson Practice. When the student passes the Chapter Practice, they move to the Chapter Mastery Test. The Chapter Mastery test allows students to miss two questions. If the student misses more than two questions, they do not pass the Chapter Mastery Test, and receive a Focused Review.

A Focused Review is similar to a Chapter Practice, but includes only topics students missed on the Chapter Mastery Test. After a student completes the Focused Review, they retake the Chapter Mastery Test. After passing, they move to the next Chapter’s Challenge Test. If the Chapter Mastery Test is for the last Chapter in the Unit, the student moves to the Unit Mastery Test.

The Unit Mastery Test allows a student to miss two questions. If the student misses more than two questions the student will complete a Focused Review from Chapters throughout the Unit. When the student passes the Unit Mastery Test, they move to the next Unit’s Challenge Test.

Students also periodically complete Cumulative Review sections. Cumulative Review helps students build retention, and is delivered after some but not all Chapter Mastery Test. Cumulative Reviews include questions only from Lessons the student mastered (not those that were skipped by exemption).

iPASS - Student Version

Students access iPASS by logging in at www.iLearn.com/login and clicking iPASS hub icon above "iPASS." iLearn Hub for Students iPASS Home Screen
In iPASS, students do not choose their activity (as they do in vBook). To begin at their last previous location the student simply clicks the large play button Play Icon.

The first time students log in, they must first complete two brief introduction lessons, and then begin the Placement Tests. Placement tests can be skipped by students if they have previously completed (score 90%+ on a grade level test or tested down to grade 1) the Universal Screening assessment in iKnow Math.

At the top of the screen are these four buttons: Option buttons

Option buttons

Change Program: Returns the student to the iLearn Hub.

Reports button

Reports: Takes the student to view individual student reports.

Settings button

Settings: Allows the student to move the keypad to the left or right.

Logout Button

Logout: Logs the student out of all iLearn. The student should log out using this button rather than closing the browser.

Students Working in the Program

iPASS guides the student through the content they need to learn by identifying gaps. When a student experiences difficulty, particularly in Lesson Instruction and Lesson Practice we suggest teachers intervene and assist. However, we do not recommend teachers help students during tests that determine the content students should learn.

Teachers can see when a student is in a Lesson Instruction or Lesson Practice by the program interface.
iPass Lesson Practice Screenshot

At the top of the screen the program displays the current element. If it reads Lesson Practice, Lesson Instruction, Lesson Mixed Practice, Chapter Practice, or Review we recommend teachers provide assistance where necessary.

If the program displays Unit Challenge, Unit Mastery, Chapter Challenge, Chapter Mastery, or Lesson Challenge we recommend that teachers do not assist the student. If a student needs help passing a Chapter or Unit Mastery Test, we recommend teachers use their best judgment in helping a student, based on a review of the student’s reports in the program. Decisions of getting past a Chapter or Unit so the student can move forward are best made by the teacher, and forward progress is balanced against continued effort in the problem area. Any parts of the program with a green background, as shown below, are test elements, and we suggest not assisting students in these elements.

iPass Top Bar

Program Interface

The program interface provides important information for both the student and the teacher.

iPass Top Bar

iPass Lesson Name

The top bar reading “Missing Addend” is the title of the student’s current Lesson.

iPass Return Home

The logo on the left identifies the program so the teacher can easily see it across the classroom, and is a button to return to the iPASS homepage.

iPass Top Bar 2

This section displays the student name (allowing the teacher to verify the student is not logged in as someone else), navigation buttons, and the current activity. The navigation buttons for students are only active during Lesson Instruction. Students can click iPass Repeat Button to replay a page, iPass Pause Button to pause (if turned on by school administrators), iPass Left Button navigate to a previous page of instruction, or iPass Right Button navigate to the furthest page of instruction the student reached (students cannot skip pages of instruction, but can use the left facing arrow to review previous pages, and then use the right facing arrow to navigate back to the furthest page reached).

iPass Location and Page # Bar

This section shows the student’s location in iPASS. Above, the student is working in E.3.1, which is Unit E, Chapter 3, Lesson 1. We also know from above, the student is in Lesson Practice. “Page” shows the current page in the element, and the Question Status shows the number of questions the student has answered correctly. In this case, the student is on the second page, and has one correct answer. The first bar is green indicating a correct answer, while the second is dark blue indicating the last question was not answered correctly. The third question has not been entered, and consequently has not been evaluated.

iPass Time Bar

In activities where the background is blue such as Lesson Instruction, Lesson Practice, Lesson Mixed Practice, Chapter Practice, Focused Review, and Cumulative Review the Time indicator does not represent the amount of time the student has left in the activity. Rather, the Time indicator is an activity timer to make sure the student is currently active and has not walked away from the computer. When the time counts down to zero the screen will turn red, shown below:

iPass Logout Warning

When the screen turns red the student must click anywhere on screen within 30 seconds to return to the same page. If there is no interaction in 30 seconds, they are logged out as indicated above.

In Tests (Unit Challenge and Mastery and Chapter Challenge and Mastery – when the background is green) the Time indicator does represent the amount of time remaining in the test. All tests have a time limit of 120 minutes which is ample for any test in the program.

iPass Points Bar

The points counter displays the total number of points in iPASS. Students earn points by progressing in the program.

iPass Side Bar

The keypad is the on-screen tool for entering answers. Students may use the mouse to click the appropriate buttons to enter an answer. They can also use the computer’s keyboard to answer questions. The keypad is not active in Lesson Instruction where attention is focused on multimedia presentations.

Some lessons require students to enter operands, variables, and/or symbols. Orange buttons will display dynamically, i.e. when needed, to accommodate the characters needed to answer.

The calculator is available in only some lessons where instructionally appropriate.

iPASS - Teacher Version

Teachers access iPASS the same as students by logging in at www.iLearn.com/login and clicking iPASS hub icon above "iPASS."

iLearn Hub Teacher View

The iPASS home screen for teachers is different from students.

iPASS Homepage Teacher View

Unlike students, teachers can use drop-down menus to select any activity in iPASS. Teachers can also work through the program sequentially like students if they so choose.

At the top of the screen are these four buttons: Option buttons

Option buttons

Change Program: Returns to the iLearn Hub.

Reports button

Reports: Opens the data reports.

Test Review button

Test Review: Opens Test Review feature to view all students’ completed tests.

Settings button

Settings: Change location of the keypad.

Logout Button

Logout: Logs the user out of all iLearn. As in all programs, log out using this button rather than closing the browser.

Teachers can choose an activity by selecting a Unit, then a Chapter, then a Lesson, then a Part, and clicking the blue play button.

To view all of the content available in iPASS click iPASS Test Review Button in the middle of the screen. A pdf displays the Chapter Sequence List, followed by the Table of Contents.

Teachers can also review all tests their students completed with Test Review. To review a test, first select a class, then select a student.

iPASS hub icon

Click a test to open Test Review:

iPASS hub icon

The student’s answer displays. If the student entered a correct answer, the answer box is green and a green checkmark displays in the upper right. If the student answered incorrectly, the answer box displays red with the correct answer displayed with a green background and a red X displays in the top right. Use iPASS Test Review Left Arrow iPASS Test Review Right Arrow to navigate through the questions in the test.

iPass TR Question Time Bar

“Time spent on question” will display the minutes and seconds needed to answer the question. A time of 0:00 displays if the student clicked “Don’t Know” or if the question was answered in less than one-half second.

Click iPASS TR Home Button to return to the iPASS home screen.

When a teacher enters an activity in iPASS, the program functions the same as for a student with the exception that a teacher can skip from question to question while a student cannot.

iPASS LP Teacher View

How Teachers Can Best Use iPASS

Teachers have access to all content in iPASS in order to review any instruction, etc. before helping students. With Lesson Instruction, iPASS breaks specific topics into smaller, more digestible bits to help the student learn. Some students may experience difficulty with certain material. Teachers can use iPASS to review how iLearn instructs a topic, and how questions should be answered, to better help the student advance.

Suggestions of Use

iPASS is a self-paced program that can be used with any student. It can help remediate gaps for at- risk students, allowing them to accelerate back to grade level. It can also help advanced or on-grade-level students fill any critical gaps and even go beyond grade level. Below are some suggestions on how to use iPASS, in conjunction with other iLearn programs, or by itself.

General Usage Tips

With iPASS, students get the chance to remediate gaps at lower levels, succeed to grade level math, and move beyond grade level. Because iPASS helps to remediate gaps, iLearn suggests that students with severe gaps use iPASS 30-45 minutes per day for 4-5 days a week. Students who are already working above grade level can also benefit by using iPASS several times a week, as iPASS will allow those students to address any needs below or at grade level, and keep learning up to Algebra III (Pre-Calculus).

Because gaps in mathematical knowledge compound as students move up in grade level, we recommend addressing them as early as possible so students retain the ability to grasp grade level content. A rule of thumb is that 3rd graders typically need about 30 hours in iPASS during a school year, while 8th graders often need 100 hours or more during a school year. Using iPASS in consecutive years can eliminate the need for remediation in later grades, and help students strive to exceed standards rather than just meeting them.

We also suggest monitoring reports on a daily basis. Students with access to iPASS can log in and work from any computer connected to the internet, including at home. If you notice students progressing very quickly through the program when they are at home, you may want to verify they are doing their own work without significant help. Monitoring the reports also helps to ensure students are advancing without undue difficulty. Monitor the Flags report to make sure students are advancing, and monitor the Activity report to make sure students are on-task and doing their best.

In Conjunction with Other iLearn Programs

The five programs and their basic functionality are:

  • vBook – a student-choice instructional program giving access to any content at any time.
  • iPASS – a mastery-based instructional program that delivers only the content needed, starting with the earliest knowledge gap. Students proceed sequentially to higher content, based on skipping content by passing Challenge (Pre) Tests, and by passing Mastery (Post) Tests, with the program making content delivery decisions based on student performance.
  • MyQ – a teacher-controlled instructional program in which teachers assign queues of grouped content. Students can only access the content the teacher assigns, and only as assigned, in a Fixed Order or Any Order.
  • iKnow – a teacher-controlled assessment program allowing teachers to assign tests. Students can only access the tests assigned, which include benchmark, universal screener, and progress monitoring tests.
  • ThinkFast! – a mastery-based instructional program for fluency on basic math facts that delivers only the content a student needs. Students proceed sequentially, with the program making content delivery decisions based on student performance.

iLearn offers programs with content controlled by you the teacher, or the student, or the computer. We suggest understanding each program and planning a strategy to meet your goals. However, here are some suggestions on how to get started:

  1. Start the school year off with a Universal Screening assessment in iKnow. This will allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each student at prior grade levels.
  2. Use iPASS with at-risk students, with advanced students, or ALL students to address critical needs below grade level, solidify grade level competence, and provide opportunities grade level
  3. Use MyQ and/or vBook to assign grade level content to all students. Use vBook for verbal or written assignments, or MyQ to control access to the content.
  4. Use ThinkFast! for any and all students who need extra fluency practice, or have difficulty passing the fluency sections in iPASS.

iPASS by Itself

Use iPASS by itself however you see the greatest benefit for your students. Use it in a whole-school model to fill gaps of all students and allow them to go as far as your or they choose. Use it to remediate gaps below grade level, motivating them in math and challenging them to succeed in progressively higher mathematical concepts. Use it to challenge grade-level and gifted students to learn at their own pace and build a solid foundation of understanding that reaches their current grade-level and beyond.